What Would You Do on Your Birthday?

"Are you serious to take some days off and go by yourself?" my mom asked. I can hear the worries on her voice when she phoned me that night.

"Yeah, mom. I am being serious. That will be my birthday. I don't feel like I want to stay in the office," I replied.

"Just be careful, okay?"

and we ended up the phone call.

I have been wondering how time flies so fast and that this year I turn 26 years old. Although some people perceive that age is just number, I always feel scared when I remember that I am not so-called young again. It is mainly because I have not done much things during my existence in this world, especially in pursuing my dream to travel the world. Well, at least that is what I am thinking. Then at one point I decided that I should travel myself, start it with short-distance trip. Yup, traveling solo. Why? Well, if it is not you who start it right now, if you just wait for some friends to join you, then it won't happen as you expect!

Last year, I took a one-day trip to Bandung. And now on my 26th birthday last week, I decided to travel to Solo (which is also known as Surakarta). The city popped up in my head while I was thinking where should I go to celebrate my birthday. I scrolled down the city's points of interest. Realizing that there are a lot of cultures, heritages, and foods to explore, I surely conclude that Solo is the unquestionably destination for me this year. Besides, I have a very close friend whom I have never met in 8 years and apparently she stays there. Furthermore by the time I arrived in the city, I felt the peace, excitement as well as happiness in me. Well, I will write about my trip in separated story. Hence, I proudly say that I had great days during my birthday vacation this year. 

There are a lot of ways to celebrate birthday. Some people would like to celebrate it with their office mates or throw a party after work. Some would love to take days off either to go for an adventure or simply stay peacefully with their own company with no disturbance. Others would like to do unusual things that they have been wishing to. Alternatively, you can do new make over to yourself, get yourself some new things, then come out with your style of New Age New Me. Even better, you might make yourself feel worthy by donating something.

For me, I would like to take some days off and go wherever I want to learn something new. It definitely will enrich myself about the world behind my wall. I turn off my e-mails and WhatsApp chats from my office. Thus, it is an actual total break from my daily routine in which I spend a lot of my time behind the desk and taking care of others' trips. I do not mean to be selfish, but I would love to grant myself something that I have been wishing for. So, how about you? What would you do on your birthday?
