(Happy) Australia Day

Source: mariafresa.net
Australia Day is an annual celebration which usually take place on January 26. The date generally refers to the day when British Colony (First Fleet) arrived on the land on 1788, brought a group of 11 ships under the lead of Captain Arthur Phillip. The history tells that, in fact, the first fleet anchored their ships a few days before, around January 18-20. January 26 actually marks the first raising of British Flag in Sydney Cove and the official declaration of British new reign in Australia.

Australia Day is established as a national public holiday. This special day is meant to celebrate the nation's pride, freedom, its people, and everything about the Oz itself.  On this special day, many Australian will spend their time by enjoying barbeque (or they call it barbie), going to outdoor concerts, or playing backyard cricket. People will also stroll on to the road to watch fireworks or street parade while wearing the national sporting colours (gold and green). There are also some traditions which the Australian used to do, for example eating an entire jar of vegemite, enjoying pavlova, or the famous lamington - a sponge cake with chocolate sauce and coconut.

In fact, Australia Day is not as festive as it seems. On the other hand, the Indigenous Australians choose to not to celebrate it. They perceive that the Australia Day means celebrating the Invasion Day. Before the First Fleet arrived, Australia was not an empty and a long lost island. There were a group of native people – the Aboriginal folk who settled there already. Later on, the British colony put their feet on the ground and declared that the land was their new settlement. Since then, the history conveys that many people were killed during the colonization not only because of massacres, but also diseases and starvation. The Aboriginal people lost their land, their family, and their rights as well. Subsequently, these home-grown people also point out that Australia Day is also called as Day of Mourning. As not all people who live in Australia can enjoy the celebratory day, there is also a debate whether the date of the Australia Day should be changed. The natives demand it as well. Lance McDonald, an Indigenous man whose background are Warlpiri and Pitjantjara as well, explained on abc.net.au that his community wants  to change the date since the Indigenous have been existed a long time before the new comers, unlike the others who do not want to change the date because it is the start of their grandparent’s arrival. Furthermore, there will be some demonstrations on Australia Day as well. Some people (not only the Aboriginal, but the Australian citizen as well) will march onto the streets, delivering their protests against the day to show their support for the natives who fight for their rights.

Australia Day by some means has two different sides and perceptions. Some will dive into the triumphant and a particular will commemorate their ancestors. Australia Day should be a unity day that can be enjoyed by everyone. As cited from National Australia Day Council on Australians Together website, Australia Day is a day to reflect on things achieved and on things to proud of in this great nation. It is a day for the Australian to re-commit to make Australia an even better place for the future generations.


  1. Kakak sekarang domisili di Ausrali yah?
    Btw, suku Aboriginnya tersingkir kemana? Masih ada nggak mereka?

  2. is like indonesian day? hihi ada gt lomba makan kerupuk 😂

  3. Dilema Australian....
    Biar segera dapat titik terang buat mereka yah....

  4. Wah berabe juga ya kalau ada 2 perspektif berbeda begitu. Informatif sekali tulisannya.

  5. Bacanya sambil ngerutin dahi.

  6. Aborigin, suku asli yang tersingkirkan

  7. Hahaha can you write in bahasa lol.. cause i felt so dizzy when read english too many Ketawa so hard...

  8. Di sana ada chocolate sauce? Mauuuu wkwkwk dituangkan di cake gitu yaaa hemmmm

  9. Sama mbak @Enika Hyuya aku juga mikir keras ahahah

  10. Menarik :) saya pengen belajar bahasa Inggrisnya Kak :)


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